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Notion, but even more powerful.

Solutions for your "I wish I could automate that!" moments.

πŸ” Recurring tasks

πŸ‘ŒThis use case has now been solved by Notionβ€˜s repeating database templates.

πŸ‘‰This tool allows you to automatically create database pages on a schedule.


  • Create a new task "Clean the bathroom" every Sunday morning.
  • Create a new event "Mum's birthday" for March 28th every year.
  • Create an empty daily checklist page every night.
Try it out!

πŸ“Š Database visualization

πŸ‘ŒThis use case has now been solved by Notionβ€˜s chart view.

πŸ‘‰This tool allows you to visualization the data in your databases.


  • See a graph of your weight over the past 6 months.
  • Compare your productivity with your sleep.
Try it out!


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